scan me! prototype
a healthy grocery shopping game
Product Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Design for Play
ScanMe is an interactive shopping cart experience for kids, transforming previously boring grocery shopping into a hands-on educational adventure, in which kids scan healthy items to help their character eat better and win the game.
Create a product which encourages a social good in a public space, and modifies a wheeled transportation vehicle in some way.
From field research, we Found that grocery shopping with children was especially negative and frustrating for all parties involved. With ScanMe, kids can learn to eat healthy while their parents shop - all while staying occupied with the digital interface. Scan Me is a grocery-shopping game for ages 2-5. By scanning the produce and goods their parents pick up in the grocery store, children can help their on-screen character grow and develop. Healthy produce earns children points that they can use to grow and customize their character. Scan me keeps kids occupied, parents happier, and encourages healthy eating for everyone.
My Role: Design Concept, Fabrication, Research, and Presentation Design.
Concept Sketches
3D Renders
Wiring Diagram
Final Prototype
Borna Dehghani | Maggie George | Diane Wang | Ingrid Hong | Shireen Khan